Wednesday 18 September 2013

Router Hacking Tool For Android

If you are connected to a wi-Fi network and you want to access the router of the network, you can use Router Bruteforce ADS 2 app. This app performs Bruteforce attack to get the valid password of the router. It has a list of default passwords that it tries on the router. Most of the time, the app cracks the password. But you cannot be 100% sure in Bruteforce attack.
It comes with a sample txt file which contains 398 default passwords used in different routers. You can add more passwords in the list. But there is one limitation. This app only works with dictionary file of less than 5 MB. And try it only when you have good Wi-Fi signal. This is an experiment app and the developer also warns users to try at own risk.

                                                                                                                                          Download Router Bruteforce ADS 2 from Google Play:

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